Paragliding on La Palma

La Palma is one of the best places in the world for paragliding. The mild climate with springlike weather almost all year round makes paragliding possible on more than 300 days a year. Due to the special thermals and the trade winds, La Palma offers flights of surprisingly long duration and distance.

La Palma - ideal for paragliding

For experienced paragliders, La Palma offers fantastic views over various areas from various take-off and landing sites. The trade wind at up to 1,200 meters and the thermal of the coastal mountains allow a leisurely glide along the coast of La Palma. Under the influence of a stable Azores high, visibility over 1,200 meters is ideal. The reliable wind conditions on La Palma allow high mountain flights without great risk.

Secure paragliding on La Palma

Nevertheless, flying on La Palma is not entirely safe. For this reason, we recommend that you check with the local pilots for the current flight conditions before taking off. As everywhere in Spain you need a valid pilot's license and insurance. It is also mandatory to carry a homologated rescue parachute and to wear a helmet. Flying in the Caldera de Taburiente National Park is prohibited. At Cumbre Vieja, the start is only allowed at the official starting places.

Tandem flight for paragliding beginners

Even beginners can try out tandem flights with a professional. A popular starting point is Puerto Naos, where the "Palmaclub" operates the launch site above the village. Tandem flights can be booked directly via the website of Tandem fly La Palma. In Fuencaliente there is a paragliding school. Detailed information and contact details can be found at and