Barlovento - La Palma

Barloventos' widely spaced houses are grouped around the amazingly large 16th-century church of Nuestra Señora del Rosario (Virgin of the Rosary) (Flemish statues, Mudejar coffered ceiling). Every August, the inhabitants celebrate their protector.

Moros y Cristianos

Every three years in August (2013) Barlovento performs "Moros y Cristianos", the naval battle of Lepanto from 1571, with a lot of tinkering effort. Presumably, this custom reflects the memory of the frequent fights against pirates in former times.

Information Centre on Nature and Handicrafts

A little above Barlovento there is a "Parque recreativo" with an adventure playground, barbecue areas, excursion restaurant, and camping site. There is an information center where you can buy handicrafts or learn about nature in the North of La Palma. For those who prefer to refresh themselves, the natural swimming pools, "La Fajana" below Barloventos, are recommended, although they are exposed to the sea when the surf is strong.